Technical Meeting on Nutrition, 7th-9th October, Oxford, UK

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Meeting Report 

This is the report of the first Technical Meeting on Nutrition (TMN) convened by the ENN in Oxford from October 7th to 9th 2014. Core funding for the TMN was generously provided by USAID/OFDA and Irish Aid, with UNHCR, ACF France, World Vision and Concern Worldwide also contributing. The meeting was attended by around 120 delegates comprising country representatives, United Nations (UN) agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), donors, academics and independents largely from nutrition; but also some representatives from other sectors including water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health and social protection. 

The TMN was convened on the request of numerous actors in the nutrition sector and aimed to provide a forum to address specific technical, programming and policy issues relevant to nutrition in emergencies and high burden contexts, to share and appraise key research and discuss ongoing policy and programme challenges, and to provide ‘space’ for informal technical exchange.

Individual presentations can be downloaded here

Front cover of report titled, "Technical Meeting on Nutrition - October 7th to 9th 2014." Image shows children washing hands from hanging water cartons.



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