Review of experiences and direction on Complementary Feeding in Emergencies (CFE): Putting policy into practice
Publication details
The Complementary Feeding In Emergencies (CFE) Review and this report was made possible by the generous support of the American people through funding by the United States Agency for International Development's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA). The contents are the responsibility of the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
The review was carried out by Caroline Abla, Technical Associate for ENN, with support from Marie McGrath, Technical Director for ENN, and a specially formed CFE Review sub-working group of the IFE Core Group.
IFE Core Group
The IFE Core Group is an interagency collaboration on infant and young child feeding in emergencies (IYCF-E) that connects practitioner experiences with policy and guidance development. Current members are individuals in UN agencies, non-governmental organisations, academics, independent agencies and other individuals. ENN is the coordinating agency and produces IFE Core Group publications, including the 2017 updated Operational Guidance on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies ( Contact: IFE Core Group Facilitator,
The author gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following:
The CFE Review sub-working group of the IFE Core Group for its valuable guidance in the development of the key informant interview questionnaire and its feedback on the CFE Review.
Field and headquarters practitioners who took time out of their overloaded schedules to provide their expertise, experiences and shared resources produced or used by their agencies for use in this review, including Erin Boyd (USAID/OFDA), Judy Canahuati (USAID/FFP), Marie-Sophie Whitney (ECHO), Anthony Calibo (Government of Philippines), Caroline Wilkinson (UNHCR), Zita Weise Prinzo (WHO), Aashima Garg (UNICEF), Simon Karanja (UNICEF Nigeria), Alam Khattak (UNICEF Sudan), Thokozile Ncube (UNICEF Zimbabwe), Mais Al Obaidy (UNICEF Syria), Maureen Louise Gallagher (UNICEF Afghanistan), Jean Jacques Inchi Suhene (UNICEF Chad), Syed Saeed Qadir (UNICEF Pakistan), Marjorie Volege (UNICEF East Africa), Erlene Mesadieu Coulanges (UNICEF Haiti), Gwenaelle Garnier (WFP), Samuel Nawaz (WFP Bangladesh), Tracy Dube (WFP Cox's Bazar); Casie Tesfai (IRC), Vimbai Chishanu (IRC Yemen), Colleen Emary (World Vision Canada), Suzanne Brinkmann and Iris Bollemeijer (International Medical Corps), Regine Kopplow (Concern Worldwide), Hatty Barthorp (GOAL), Kirrily De Polnay (MSF-Operational Centre Belgium), Julie Tanaka and Kellie Nau (Samaritan's Purse), Alessandro Iellamo and Christine Fernandes (Save the Children), Alexandra Rutishauser-Perera (Action Against Hunger), Danielita Mendez (ADRA Venezuela), Linda Shaker Berbari (Consultant) and Marie McGrath (ENN).
The IFE Core Group members attending the October 2019 IFE meeting for providing feedback on the CFE Review presentation and recommendations.