The effectiveness of blanket supplementary feeding programmes in preventing acute malnutrition Evidence from research carried out in Chad: ENN Briefing Paper
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This Briefing note has been prepared to summarise and rapidly convey the findings from research carried out in Chad into the effectiveness of a Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme
(BSFP) in preventing acute malnutrition. The research, funded by the USAID/OFDA was undertaken by the ENN in close collaboration with WFP, Oxfam Intermón, Centre de Support en Santé International and the Chad Ministry of Health at country level. The findings are relevant to those concerned with BSFP related policy, programmes, research and funding.

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Carmel Dolan and Jeremy Shoham. 2013. The effectiveness of blanket supplementary feeding programmes in preventing acute malnutrition Evidence from research carried out in Chad: ENN Briefing Paper.
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