ENN launches en-net

An online forum (en-net) for urgent technical questions on emergency nutrition and food security has just been launched by the ENN, funded by the OFDA.
The aim of the forum is to enable field practitioners to have access to prompt technical advice for operational challenges for which answers are not readily accessible in current guidelines. en-net has been developed at the request of many agencies and individuals and hopes to build on the experiences of earlier fora such as NGONut and NutritionNet.
A simple online interface has been developed where users can submit questions or contribute to the answers to questions posed by others. Questions and answers have been organised into seven thematic areas:
- prevention and treatment of severe acute malnutrition
- prevention and treatment of moderate acute malnutrition
- assessment
- infant and young child feeding interventions
- general food distribution
- livelihood interventions (including cash)
- humanitarian systems

A panel of technical moderators has been created, each assigned to their expert 'theme'. They will be called upon by the ENN coordinator to contribute to particularly challenging questions. The ENNs online resource library is being expanded to support the forum.
Visit and bookmark the forum at www.en-net.org.uk. The ENN Resource Library is at www.ennonline.net/resources. Any feedback can be submitted via en-net or to the ENN en-net coordinator, Tamsin Walters, email: tamsin@ennonline.net
Imported from FEX website