ENN report of Washington CTC meeting 2005

A new ENN publication on operational challenges of implementing therapeutic care is now available. The report summarises key elements of the presentations and discussions that took place at the Inter-Agency Workshop on Community Therapeutic Care (CTC) held in March 2005 in Washington, DC. In response to the growing numbers of agencies and Ministries of Health implementing CTC, a consortium of NGOs, including FANTA, Concern Worldwide, Save the Children U.S. and Valid International, organised a workshop to identify issues and challenges in the implementation, integration and scaling up of CTC programming. The workshop also addressed mechanisms to ensure quality control over CTC programming.
The report is available for download from the ENN website at www.ennonline.net and the FANTA website at www.fantaproject.org. Hard copies can be requested from FANTA or ENN.
Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project(FANTA), Academy for Educational Development, 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20009-5721 Tel. 202 884-8835 Fax 202/884-8432 email: hfinegan@aed.org
Imported from FEX website