Improved formula for WHO oral rehydration salts
The new ORS packaging
An international training programme on food and nutrition security is planned to take place between 12 February - 27 April, 2007, at Wageningen International, The Netherlands. It aims to provide the course participants with knowledge, skills and motivation to identify, plan and implement effective action on food and nutrition security at various levels, ranging from (national) policy level to regional, community, household and individual level programmes.
The training programme can be followed as a complete 11 weeks' programme, which leads to a diploma at postgraduate level or can be followed as 'stand alone' certificate courses.
Course content
- Distance Learning Programme: Key Concepts in Food and Nutrition
- Key Concepts and Current Issues in Nutrition
- Food and Nutrition Security in the Context of HIV/AIDS
- Seminar on Rights Based Approaches for Food
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Impact on Food and Nutrition Security
- Nutrition Communication and Promotion; a NewApproach to Nutrition Education
A limited number of fellowships to cover costs are available from the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP). Candidates should first apply to Wageningen International for admission to the course before 1st September, 2006. Acceptable candidates then apply for a NFP fellowship through the Netherlands Embassy in their own country (deadline: 1st October 2006). The application deadline for non-fellowship candidates is 30th January 2007.
Apply to Wageningen International online at or email: or contact Wageningen International, P.O. Box 88 6700 AB Wageningen, The Netherlands, Tel +31 317 495 495 Fax: +31 317 495 395
For further information on the content of the course, email: or
Imported from FEX website