New Red Cross Guidelines for Cash Transfer Programming

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement have just published Guidelines for Cash Transfer Programming. The guidelines are designed for field practitioners with experience of humanitarian programmes, including generalists such as programme managers or relief coordinators, as well as specialists on food security, economic security, livelihoods or shelter. They are designed for use at national or international level, for headquarters, branch or field offices.
There is a growing body of evidence that cashbased programming can be a very appropriate and effective form of response, alone or in combination with other in-kind programmes. Building on the broad range of cash experiences within the Movement and in the humanitarian sector, these guidelines help programme managers identify those situations where cash is appropriate, and provide practical, step-by-step support to the design and implementation of cash programmes. They can be used following a rapid assessment and also to support programmes at any point of the disaster cycle - disaster risk reduction, preparedness, response or recovery - or in a situation of conflict or political instability.
The first section of the guidelines follows the programme cycle with detailed information on whether, when and how to design and implement cash-transfer programmes. The second section gives step-by-step guidance on particular forms of cash transfers. The last section provides some practical tools that can be used in any cash transfer programme, such as market assessment, community-based targeting, or how to assess financial institutions.
A revised edition of the guidelines is planned for 2009 and a feedback form is included at the end of the document in order to allow field practitioners to contribute to the improvement of the document.
For further information, contact: Charles-Antoine Hofmann, Humanitarian Policy Adviser at the British Red Cross, email:, Mija-tesse Ververs, Senior Advisor Food Security, Nutrition, Livelihoods, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, email:, tel: +41 22 730 4449
Imported from FEX website