Reporting Skills and Professional Writing Handbook

To help develop writing and reporting skills, a self-study programme has been developed, designed for development professionals but also relevant to those working in the emergency sector.
The Handbook covers the entire reporting process from setting objectives, through data gathering and analysis tools, to planning, drafting, editing and designing a report. It contains examples, practical exercises, and an extended case study to fully apply all the tools presented.
Two example modules (Data Gathering Methods and Writing Clarity) are available to download from
The whole Handbook comprises eight steps to 'effective reports':
- Professional Writing and the Writing Process
- Setting Objectives & Data Gathering Methods (entire module available for download)
- Analysing & Interpreting Information
- Planning the Report
- Writing Skills - Clarity (entire module available for download)
- Writing Skills - Organisation
- Putting it all Together
- Finishing Off the Report
A moderated web forum, where users can post ideas and reach the author with comments, questions and feedback, supports the Handbook.
The Handbook is only available as an electronic download and can be bought and downloaded from (single user edition costs £30GBP). There are special licenses for organisations (10 users) and the Project Office Edition (50- user licence) also includes a Training Pack - Trainer Guide, Participant Notes, Supplementary Materials and over 250 slides.
The Reporting Skills and Professional Writing Handbook: a self-study programme for development professionals, © Neil Kendrick 2007. Published by Education, Language and Development Training Programmes (UK Charity no. 1083385)
Imported from FEX website