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Capacity building in nutrition in WFP


The demand for basic technical information is increasing in WFP especially as we move to a cluster structure whereby more tasks will become the responsibility of the field offices.

With the objective of strengthening and making more accessible, the organisation's knowledge base concerning essential food and nutrition issues, the World Food Programme, Food and Nutrition Handbook was prepared.

Using the Food and Nutrition Handbook as a resource document, a set of training materials was designed which cover the fundamental nutrition knowledge of use to WFP staff.

To assist with this undertaking and to ensure continuity in the future WFP are being assisted by Dr. Helen Young of Feinstein Famine Centre in Tufts University, Boston.

The training is a two-tier process. The first stage is to conduct training in 8 of WFP's regional offices. The first training was successfully piloted in Nairobi in April 2000, and was followed by one in Uganda in August. The second stage is to bring the training to Country offices using the training packages designed and using WFP Staff with nutrition expertise where available in country.

Should you require further information on the subject, please feel free to contact Anne Callanan, Nutrition Unit in SPP, e-mail: Anne.Callanan@wfp.org

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