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ALNAP: facilitating lessons learned


The Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Assistance (ALNAP) was established in 1997 as an international interagency forum working to improve learning and accountability across the humanitarian system. Based in the Humanitarian Policy Group at the Overseas Development Institute in London, ALNAP maintains a database of evaluative reports on humanitarian programmes. The Reports Database represents a unique collection and is a valuable resource for the international humanitarian system. It provides the basis for synthesis or 'meta' studies on the results of evaluations in relation to particular sectors, issues or responses in particular geographical areas.

For example, at the time of the 1998 flood disaster in Bangladesh, the findings of evaluations of responses to previous flood events in the country were e-mailed to ALNAP Members and key donor and NGO actors in Dhaka - an initiative that was valued by many members. In April 1999 the initiative was repeated in relation to previous evaluations of programmes in the Balkans of potential relevance to ongoing operations in relation to Kosovo. Currently over 260 reports have been catalogued and the key sections of over 200 of these are maintained in fully searchable format on the ALNAP website at www.odi.org.uk/alnap.

ALNAP commissioned and supported activities last year included:

  • Support for the preparation and publication of an edited volume 'Doing Evaluations of Humanitarian Assistance'.
  • Development of a proposal for a global study to produce a good practice handbook on 'Consultation with and Participation by Beneficiaries and the Affected Population in the Planning, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation of Humanitarian Programmes'.
  • Development of the 'Learning Office' concept through a field study in Orissa and complementary desk studies of Kosovo and East Timor.
  • A study mapping 'accountability' in relation to the international humanitarian system.

ALNAP's workplan for 2000-02 is organised around three themes:

  1. Making the Evaluation Process More Effective
  2. Strengthening Accountability Frameworks within the Humanitarian System
  3. Improving Field-Level Learning Mechanisms

ALNAP's membership now comprises 46 Full Members (bilateral and multilateral donor organisations, UN agencies and Departments) and a growing number of Observer Members (currently 240) from NGOs and NGO umbrella organisations, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, selected consultants, academics and research institutes.

For further information on ALNAP contact: John Borton, Coordinator, ALNAP Secretariat, Overseas Development Institute, 111 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7DJ. Tel: +44 (0) 207 922 0314 or Email: j.borton@odi.org.uk or alternatively access their website at www.odi.org.uk/alnap

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