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People in Aid (issue 12)


All photographs taken by Joyce Kelly in Nairobi, Kenya, February 2001, unless otherwise stated.

Susan Mwangi (AMREF) hard at work

Paula (Concern) and Kathleen (GOAL) on a well deserved day off

Clemensia Mwiti (nutritionist, World Vision, Kenya) at the office

Ambra Longatti (Caritas Italiana) and Abel Samperiz (Intermon - MRDA) in the meeting room at Intermon

Evaline Were-Diang'a and Allen Kute (VAM) analysing food security information, WFP Nairobi

Tanya Khara (nutritionist, Concern Worldwide) writing up their Turkana assessment

Esther Wamai (nutritionist, Christian Children's Fund)

Dolline Busolo (regional nutritionist, HelpAge) happy at work

Emily Mwadime and Alison Maccoll (FAO Somalia) in denial of the photographer

Helen Young (Tufts University) and Zlatan Milisic (WFP-OLS coordinator) at the nutrition training held in Kenya (photo: Anne Callanan)

Peter Mutori (project officer, Kakuma refugee camp) and Bobby Waddell (Representative, LWF) enjoying the photo shoot

Edward Onita (planning, monitoring and evaluation officer, ADRA Kenya) delighted to discover Field Exchange.

Eva Magondu and Manisa Zaman holding the fort while colleagues Penina Muli, Senewa Montet and Sarah King carry out nutritional surveys, The Emergency Health and Nutrition Group, UNICEF Kenya.

Dr. Imanol Berakoetxa, coordinator of the Somalia Aid Coordination Body - before filing.

Imported from FEX website


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People in Aid

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