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Authors wanted


The ENN will be producing a series of special supplements over the next two years. The first of these supplements is on 'targeting of emergency food aid' and has already been commissioned. It is hoped that the supplement will be available by July 2002. The ENN would like to invite readers of Field Exchange to consider submitting proposals for other Special Supplements. Authors will receive editorial support from ENN staff. A panel of experts will be established to provide technical support to the authors and to review the penultimate draft of the supplement. The ENN is currently inviting potential authors to submit proposals for special supplements.

Proposals should be no longer than 500 words and adhere as much as possible to the criteria below.


ENN supplements aim to review selected subjects comprehensively and point towards best practice for field workers.


The objectives of the supplements should broadly be to:

  • update thinking and knowledge on a particular subject
  • recommend best practice (drawing distinctions between current practice/guidelines, if applicable)
  • identify gaps in knowledge, areas for future research, and what needs to happen in order to improve practice further

Subject Matter

Special Supplements should be on subjects:

  • related to operational aspects of emergency nutrition and food security interventions
  • on which there have been recent experiences/ research/developments which have not been comprehensively reviewed or incorporated into guidelines


Supplements should have a more practical than theoretical focus and use case studies to underpin theoretical or conceptual points.

Suggested Structure of Special Supplement (chapters):

  • Nature of problem, issue, or theme and why topical/important. This chapter would justify why the subject warranted a 'special supplement', provide a context for the subject and establish basic principles and definitions.
  • Current thinking or practice as represented in guidelines and reviews (if applicable)
  • Recent case-studies and experiences and lessons learnt/recent research findings
  • Drawing out principles, concepts and revised methodologies based on previous chapter
  • Recommendations for best practice (possibly using different scenarios),
  • The future, e.g. gaps in knowledge, needs for research, institutional implications, etc.

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