New manual on fortified blended foods

The World Food Programme (WFP) has recently produced a 55 page booklet entitled 'Fortified Blended Foods: Facts and Practical Uses.' Fortified blended foods provide essential micronutrients as well as protein and energy to many populations served by WFP. The booklet includes information and recipes with the goal of improving the utilisation and acceptability of fortified blended foods, facilitating the introduction of fortified blended foods among new beneficiaries, and providing beneficiaries with possibilities for increasing variation in their diets. The booklet was prepared in response to the marked increase in the use of fortified blended foods in countries throughout the world as a way of sharing experience among WFP staff, counterparts, and beneficiaries. The booklet is available in English, French, and Spanish. Requests for copies may be addressed to:
Imported from FEX website