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People in Aid (issue 16)



MSF, Holland Afghanistan. Dr. Asad, Dr. Assemy, Dr. Ismailzada and Ramin Shahryary.

Participants at MSF Regional Meeting, Ashgabad Turkmenistan: Alorgran, Marcel Van Soest, Paula Frankena, Dr. Mozaffer, Dr. Kabirullah and Dr. Assemy.

Mr. and Mrs. Bawar (doctors in the AHDS clinic Rohangi), Dr Kabirulla (MSF-H) and Dr. Rachael Hardwick (MSF-H).

Dr. Kabirulla and Dr. M. Saud Zahir (SW Regional Director IbnSina).

MSFH nurse Jenny Andersson playing with children in the TFC, Maslakh.

Regional MSF-H meeting Ashgabad, Turkmenistan

MSFH Supplementary Feeding Team on the road to Kesh eh Kona, Afghanistan.

Qumar and Mahgan (Nurse midwives, MSFH Kandahar BHU, highlighting the dangers of bottle feeding.

Jacoub (MSF-H nurse manager) and Dr. Kabirulla reviewing monthly statistic from the Infectious disease ward, Kandahar.

Sophie Baquet, nutritionist HQ MSFB, Brussels.

Sue Prosser Mental Health specialist HQ MSFH, Amsterdam.

Alison Froud, nurse/anthropologist, emergency team, and Saskia van der Kam, both MSFH.

François Belanger, Epicentre, course leader.

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People in Aid

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