Managing Interventions in Complex Emergencies A Course for Managers of Refugee and Relief Operations


The Feinstein International Famine Centre at Tufts University is holding a two week intensive course for humanitarian program managers focusing on nutrition, public health and community-based animal health interventions in complex emergencies. In addition to these foci, specialists in gender, humanitarian law, rights and principles and livelihoods will offer in-depth sessions. Geared to country directors and program managers of relief operations in conflict and forced displacement settings, the course will cover:

  • the current debates & latest thinking on issues of humanitarian policy and practice
  • training in IHL/human rights/principles and standards (SPHERE, Red Cross/NGO Code of Conduct)
  • social, political and economic analyses as well as gender and generation-sensitive frameworks of analysis and response
  • skill building in public nutrition, public health, livestock, livelihoods and water and sanitation interventions
  • the UN program methodologies, United Nations inter-agency consolidated appeal processes and coordinating mechanisms (e.g. OCHA)

The course is scheduled to take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, December 8-21, 2002.

For further information, including rates and application forms, please contact Estrella Alves at: Winter Programs, Feinstein International Famine Centre, 96 Packard Avenue, Medford, MA 02155 USA. tel: 1-617-627-3423. fax: 1-617-627-3428. email: web:

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