Facing up to the storm


Seedling nurseries will help replant India's devastated east coast after the 1999 Orissa cyclone destroyed over a million trees.

Recently produced by Christian Aid, Facing up to the Storm is a disaster management book which looks at how local communities can cope with disaster, and the potential for community-based approaches to disaster management. Original case studies, based on first-hand experiences from Orissa and Gujarat in India, show how people, even in the poorest parts of the developing world, can survive disasters if they are involved in all aspects of managing disasters from response to prevention. This approach differs greatly from the top-down, government-led approach experienced by most communities and from the practice of most governments and many agencies.

The book is available to download at http://www.christianaid.org.uk/storm. A limited number of hard copies are available through the UK suppliers, tel: +44 (0)8700 787788 or by international mail order, email : vhai@vsnl.com,
Attention: Megha Sharma, tel: ++ 91 11 2651 8071/2 (India)

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