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Care Practices in Emergencies


A recovering child from the TFC enjoying football

The constitution of a sub-group on 'mental health and care in emergencies', of the thematic group Nutrition in Emergencies, was validated at the 2004 UN Standing Committee for Nutrition (SCN) meeting in Brasilia. In preparation for SCN 2006, the sub-group are gathering information about the spectrum of programmes that include or target the care practices linked to malnutrition in emergencies. Specifically, the group wishes to:

  • Compile details of mental/social support given by agencies in nutritional programmes, to direct future activities in the area
  • Investigate these interventions in order to recommend the most effective, efficient and locally adapted ways to address care practices in emergencies.

Infants in the TFC playroom in Afghanistan

A brief questionnaire has been prepared and is available from Cécile Bizouerne, Psychologist in charge of the mental health and care practices projects, Action Contre la Faim, 4, rue Niepce, 75 014 Paris, France Tel: 01 43 35 88 82, email: cbizouerne@actioncontrelafaim.org

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