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Forum on Food Security, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS


Project Concern International and partners are planning an international forum entitled, Food Security and HIV/AIDS: An Integrated Response to the Dual Epidemics of Hunger and HIV/AIDS in Africa in Lusaka, Zambia, May 8- 12, 2006.

The event will provide an opportunity for international public health and development organizations and their local NGO counterparts to share experiences in integrating HIV/AIDS, food security, and nutrition programming, both to strengthen collective efforts, as well as to inform policy decisions based on 'frontline' realities.

The specific objectives of the forum are to :

  • Enhance learning and information sharing between program implementers on best practices and lessons learned
  • Identify gaps in the 'value chain' where information on best practices is lacking, and
  • Build and strengthen partnerships for continued learning.

These will be achieved through presentations, workshops, networking, brainstorming sessions, hands-on training and site visits in four thematic areas:

  1. Impact of HIV/AIDS on Household Food Security & Nutrition
  2. Community Resiliency
  3. Livelihood Interventions that Improve Health
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation in HIV/AIDS, Food Security & Nutrition Programming World Vision, Catholic Relief Services, the Zambia Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, CARE International, Concern Worldwide, and the United States Agency for International Development are financially supporting the event.

For further information, visit the conference website at: http://www.projectconcern.org/zambiaforum2006. Alternatively, contact Brooke Reese, Project Concern International, 1140 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036; Tel: 202.223.0088;
email: breese@projectconcern.org

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