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Orientation workshop on IFE


The IFE Core Group1 is planning an orientation workshop on infant and young childfeeding in emergencies (IFE) scheduled for 1- 2 November 2006 in Oxford. Organised by the ENN and funded by UNICEF, IBFANGIFA and CARE USA, the overall aims of the meeting are:

  • to orientate participants on IFE, the work of the IFE Core Group and the IFE resources that have been developed.
  • to identify and practically address the key constraints facing staff in implementing IFE related policies and strategies in emergency settings.
  • to network technical HQ and regional staff of UN agencies and NGOs with donors, professional bodies and academics.

The workshop agenda has been informed by a recent evaluation of the use of Module 2 (see summary in this issue) and by field experiences shared with the IFE Core Group relating to emergency responses in Pakistan and Indonesia post earthquake and post tsunami. This workshop is not limited to infant feeding specialists but will include NGO and UN HQ and regional staff, donors, professional bodies, academics and media representatives. The meeting will:

  • Facilitate exchange of experiences on supporting IFE at a regional and national level, with focus on Asia in particular.
  • Explore the use of policy guidance in recent emergency responses to identify strengths, weaknesses, and constraints to implementation.
  • Highlight the recently updated Operational Guidance on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (2006) and establish criteria that define agency support.
  • Demonstrate the use of the training materials.
  • Identify training needs and resources needed to support training activities.

The IFE Core Group members will meet for a third day to formulate a strategy for moving forward.

Anyone who is interested in attending, or would like to recommend a participant, should contact the IFE Core Group c/o Marie McGrath, ENN, tel: +44 (0)1865 324996, email: ife@ennonline.net,

1Since 1999, an interagency collaboration (IFE Core Group) has been committed to developing training materials and policy guidance on infant feeding in emergencies. The IFE Core Group currently comprises UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP, WHO, ENN, IBFAN-GIFA, Fondation Tdh, and CARE USA, co-ordinated (since 2004) by the ENN.

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