Making Sense of the Code: new training materials

A 'do-it-yourself' training package on the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (the Code) is now available. It was developed drawing on the extensive experience that International Code Documentation Centre (ICDC), the International Baby-Food Action Network (IBFAN) and UNICEF have had with training government officials, NGOs and health professionals.
It consists of a Trainer's guide with 11 teaching modules and teaching charts (also on CD) and handouts. It offers a complete orientation on the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and its implementation at national and international level. It explains why the Code is necessary, how it came about, and its scope. It gives details about the Code's provisions relevant to control of promotion to the public, through the health care system and through the retail system. It highlights responsibilities health workers have under the Code and provisions related to education, information and labelling of products under the scope of the Code.
Two modules are specifically devoted to the role of the Code in protecting optimal infant feeding practices in the context of HIV/AIDS and emergencies.
This training package is intended for those who are keen to create Code awareness and understanding in their countries, ministries and organisations, and for those who want to make Code monitoring and implementation an integral part of their advocacy and programming.
The package is devised for a three day training course (can be extended as needed).
The price for a full set of training materials (inclusive of CD, charts and postage) is US$100 and US$50 excluding the charts.
If your organisation or institution would like to incorporate Code training into an existing training programme or establish training on this topic, contact: International Code Documentation Centre (ICDC), P.O.Box 19, 10700 Penang, Malaysia, fax: +60-4-890 7291, e-mail: or IBFAN-GIFA, Avenue de la Paix 11, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland, Fax: +41-22 798 44 43, e-mail:
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