COMPAS course in project management/ evaluation

The Quality COMPAS method and Dynamic COMPAS software are project and information management tools for humanitarian projects. They will be the subject of a short training course to be held at Groupe URD's head office in Plaisians (Provence, France) from 23rd to 27th June 2008. The course will be conducted in English. The deadline for applications is 13th June 2008.
The course has been designed for national and international aid workers involved in project management activities such as needs assessment, design, monitoring, self-evaluation and evaluation. Drawing its content from the COMPAS method, the course will cover subjects such as conducting a situation analysis which goes further than a simple needs analysis, designing a project beyond the logical framework, defining objectives and indicators in keeping with all the quality criteria, developing and implementing a monitoring system, understanding the difference between monitoring and evaluation, etc.
The course is organised around a case study that gives participants practical experience of quality management and using the COMPAS method and the Dynamic COMPAS software. To download the software and/or for more information on COMPAS, visit:
Good value accommodation and food is available to participants. For more information and to request a registration form, contact: Pierre Brunet, Training Unit Coordinator, Groupe URD, La Fontaine des Marins, 26170 Plaisians, France Tel/Fax: 00 33 (0)4 75 28 29 35 email:
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