Evaluation of TALC’s CD-ROM ‘Community Nutrition’

TALC (Teachingaids At Low Cost) is undertaking a mini-evaluation of their CD-ROM on ' Community Nutrition'. This CD contains documents and other materials relevant to health workers in low-income countries. In order to collect data from intended users, TALC will send a free copy of the CD and a one-page evaluation form to tutors of nutrition courses in lowincome countries. Up to 10 free copies of the CD will be sent to all those who fully complete and return the form.
If you are a tutor, or know of any tutors, who can participate in this evaluation, send names, postal addresses and email addresses to TALC, email: info@talcuk.org or to Marlou Bijlsma, email: marloubijlsma@yahoo.co.uk or Ann Burgess, email: annpatriciaburgess@yahoo.co.uk
Three free copies of the CD are available to anyone who sends in advance UK£1 or US$2 to cover postage costs. For more details, email: info@talcuk.org
The Community Nutrition CD can also be ordered online at www.talcuk.org/cd-roms.htm
Imported from FEX website