Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Website Launched

The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) is a standardised tool that aims at providing a 'common currency' for classifying food security. Using a common scale, which is comparable across countries, will make it easier for donors, agencies and governments to identify priorities for intervention before they become catastrophic.
A new website has been set up by the seven agencies and international NGOs supporting the IPC (see Global Partners below). Content includes IPC maps and food security classifications for many countries, information about training workshops, publications and news articles, and updates to the IPC technical manual. An e-learning course and related training materials and interactive features, such as forums, are also being planned.
Originally developed in Somalia by the Food Security Analysis Unit (FSAU), IPC maps are now being produced in Somalia and Kenya - where the IPC has been officially adopted by the national government. IPC related activities have been substantial in Southern Sudan and Burundi, while start-up activities are taking place in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Tanzania. IPC related training, awareness raising activities and pilot tests have also taken place in Southern Africa and Asia.
The IPC Global Partners include the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), The World Food Programme (WFP), Care International, the European Commission Joint Research Centre (EC JRC), the Famine Early Warning System Network, Oxfam Great Britain, and Save the Children UK and US. The European Union, the Dutch government, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the U.K.'s Department for International Development (DFID) are providing funding.
Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) website:
Imported from FEX website