Regional IFE Workshop held in Indonesia

The ENN, as co-ordinator of the IFE Core Group1, co-facilitated a regional strategy workshop on infant and young child feeding in emergencies on 10-13th March 2008 in Bali, Indonesia. The theme of the meeting was 'Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies: Regional Experiences and Challenges in Achieving Optimal Early Response'. This workshop was organised under the auspices of the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Nutrition Cluster that is led by UNICEF. Within the Nutrition cluster, the main organiser was the ENN, representing the IFE Core Group, in cooperation with UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office, UNICEF South Asia Regional Office, UNICEF Indonesia Office, and the Ministry of Health, Indonesia.
The workshop was funded by the IASC Nutrition Cluster and a contribution from IBFAN-GIFA to support attendance of key delegates who were not self-funding.
108 participants from a mixture of key government, UN, donor, international and local NGO representatives from 16 countries attended the workshop. A press release was issued by UNICEF following the workshop, in response to the pledge for action agreed by the participants (see at http://www.unicef. org/eapro/media_7973.html).
The proceedings will be available from the ENN in late June 2008 and will be summarised in the next issue of Field Exchange.
1An interagency collaboration concerned with policy guidance and capacity building on IFE. Current members are UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP, WHO, IBFAN-GIFA, CARE USA, ACF and ENN. Associate members are IFRC and SC UK. See at
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