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Food Security E-learning Courses and Training Materials from FAO


The EC-FAO Programme (www.foodsec.org) has developed a series of free Food Security e-learning courses and related training materials, designed to support capacity building and on-the-job training. The courses are available in English and French and are being translated into Spanish. The courses are currently being used by over 15,000 registered learners all over the world. Both CD and web-based versions are available.

Courses include:

  • Food Security Information Systems and Networks
  • Reporting Food Security Information
  • Availability Assessment and Analysis
  • Baseline Food Security Assessments
  • Food Security Concepts and Frameworks
  • Collaboration and Advocacy Techniques
  • Livelihoods Assessment and Analysis
  • Markets Assessment and Analysis
  • Nutritional Status Assessment and Analysis
  • Food Security Policies - Formulation and Implementation
  • Targeting
  • Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis

On-line Access:

  1. Register on-line at: http://www.foodsec.org/DL/dlregistration_en.asp
  2. Log-in with your User Name and Password. This will take you to the My Courses page.
  3. Choose a course by clicking the 'Select a New Course' button on the My Courses page.


  1. Go to the Courses page: http://www.foodsec.org/DL/dlcourselist_en.asp
  2. Click 'Request a free copy' of a specific course and complete the form.

Resources for trainers

To support trainers, the EC-FAO programme has created training resources based on the e-learning courses. Each course includes a training guide complete with a set of presentation slides, student notes and class activities that can be adapted by trainers to meet their own needs. If you would like to develop you own courses based on the ECFAO e-learning materials, you can access the Resources for Trainers section at: http://www.foodsec.org/tr_res.htm

For more information, please write to: information-for-action@fao.org

Imported from FEX website


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