The Backpage
Cartoon Corner
by Jon Berkeley
The ENN Team:
Fiona O'Reilly is the ENN Co-ordinator,
and Field Exchange co-editor.
Fiona has been involved in the area of
nutrition, health and development for the past 10 years, half of which
has been spent working in emergency situations.
Jeremy Shoham is co-editor for Field Exchange and the ENN technical consultant. Jeremy has been working in the area of emergency food and nutrition for the past 13 years. He runs the Emergency Nutrition M.Sc. unit at the Centre for Human Nutrition, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Killian Forde works part time with the ENN.
Maggs Mac Guinness assisted in the preparation of this issue. Thanks to Joanne Csete, UNICEF and to WFP for commenting on articles.Thanks also to the Department of Community and General Practice, especially Professor John Kevany, Trinity College for support for this project.
We are grateful to Trocaire, CONCERN, UNHCR and GOAL for providing photographs used in this issue of Field Exchange.
As always thanks to Jon Berkeley for the
cartoons - complaints, commissions and suggestions for future funnies
Jon through
Imported from FEX website