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Rapid Response Register Ireland


Following in the wake of the humanitarian disasters of recent years, and in particular those of the horn of Africa and the Great Lakes as well as those of former Yugoslavia, the Irish Government has taken a proactive step to upgrade its responses. One of the measures taken has been the government supported creation of a Register to form a resource for agencies and for individuals.

The idea behind the Register is that in the regrettable but inevitable event of future humanitarian emergencies, that agencies will have the possibility to draw down from a pool of professionals who are skilled and ready to put their services temporarily at the disposal of the agencies and the people who need them.

Launched earlier this year, the register has attracted an interest both among experienced and hands on aid workers as well as those with particular specialist skills. APSO, the Irish Government Agency for personnel working overseas is overseeing and implementing the Register. By July, more than 50 people will have been trained in current trends and activities of humanitarian assistance in this rapidly changing environment.

The Register is open to all qualified personnel and it aims at being able to provide a network of human resources to be able to intervene in emergency situations as and when they occur. It works in close collaboration with the agencies who ultimately assume responsibility for sending personnel abroad.

Should you be on it ?

For more information and details please contact:
rrr@apso.ie or +353 1 661 4411 or +353 55 21051

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