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View of the audience of a drama held during a Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) pay day session in Tigray-Hintalo Wajirat, Ethiopia

Over twenty five years on from the famine of the 1980s which resulted in many thousands of deaths and devastated livelihoods, Ethiopia today is a country that has placed nutrition and food security concerns at the heart of its development. The launch of the first Ethiopian National Nutrition Strategy and implementation of the National Nutrition Programme are testament to the national drive to significantly improve the population's nutritional status and to manage the threats to people's nutrition and food security posed by recurrent emergencies.

This special issue of Field Exchange focuses on Ethiopia, 25 years on from the devastating famine of the 1980s. It brings together articles written by many highly experienced Government and non-government actors about the country's large-scale programmes aimed at preventing and treating acute malnutrition, reducing food insecurity, tackling childhood sickness and improving

Administrative Regions and Zones of Ethiopia

people's livelihoods. The wealth of experience contained in these articles reflects the results of many years of lesson learning both within Ethiopia and internationally. Challenges remain with to-scale programming and these are outlined, as are the potential solutions. Smaller scale projects, research initiatives and key national nutrition and coordinating institutions are also profiled in this publication.

Overall, this issue of Field Exchange provides a unique and comprehensive picture of Ethiopia's nutrition and food security programming. It is of value, not only as a resource for those of us in Ethiopia who are working in a complex nutrition and food security environment, but also to others in emergency prone and food insecure countries which are scaling up programmes to address undernutrition.

Administrative Regions and Zones of Ethiopia

Ethiopia has come a very long way in 25 years. The work being undertaken by Government in partnership with many UN, NGO, church and community based organisations, academic institutions and coordinating bodies as documented here is undoubtedly saving countless lives and, whilst much still needs to be done to tackle food insecurity and undernutrition, these endeavours are providing a better tomorrow for millions of Ethiopians.

H. E Dr Kesetebirhan Admassu, State Minister of Health
Dr Ferew Lemma, Senior Nutrition Advisor

Imported from FEX website


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