Resources to support programming for older people
HelpAge International have produced a variety of resources to support good practice regarding the elderly in emergencies including guidance on including older people in emergency shelter programmes, and a checklist on preparing for an emergency.
In addition, Help Age’s new Helping Older People in Emergencies (HOPE) training programme provides humanitarian practitioners with the tools and knowledge to ensure older people are included in their programmes. Training is targeted at experienced humanitarian practitioners and policy makers who are responsible for supporting, planning or managing humanitarian response. Trainings have taken place in Nairobi (June 2012), Gaza city (July 2012), Goma, DRC, Bangkok, Thailand, Madrid and Barcelona, Spain (October 2012) and are scheduled for Dhaka, Bangladesh (14 &15 November, 2012) and London, UK (29 & 30 November, 2012
For more resources and information, contact: Pascale Fritsch, email: or visit:
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