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Regional Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy Global Learning and Evidence Exchange


In January 2016, SPRING, along with USAID's Bureau for Food Security and Bureau for Global Health, hosted the West Africa MSN-GLEE (Multi-sectoral Nutrition Strategy Global Learning & Evidence Exchange) workshop in Accra, Ghana. Similarly in March 2016, USAID's Bureau for Food Security and Bureau for Global Health, along with the FANTA III project, hosted the East and Southern Africa MSN-GLEE conference in Dar es Salam, Tanzania. A third workshop is scheduled in Asia in June.

Both workshops involved staff from the USAID Bureau for Food Security, Bureau for Global Health, USAID Missions in West Africa (Ghana) or East and Southern Africa (Tanzania), implementing partners, and host country governments who shared their experiences and research, to enable cross-country engagement and improve understanding of emerging concepts.

Experts in agriculture, economic growth, WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), nutrition, and health programmes gave presentations and led interactive sessions on a range of topics designed to strengthen country-led efforts to improve nutrition. USAID’s Multi-sectoral Nutrition Strategy and accompanying technical briefs formed the basis for the agenda. Sessions helped participants identify places where multi-sectoral nutrition programming approaches can be strengthened.

Presentations from the three day meetings are available online at Ghana and Tanzania 

USAID nutrition strategy 

USAID Technical briefs 


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