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Previous FEX articles of relevance for wasting in South Asia


A number of past articles in Field Exchange cover experiences of wasting prevention and treatment in South Asia and are worth highlighting again due to their relevance to this special issue. Find below a list of these with links to the articles online.


Arjan de Wagt, Eleanor Rogers, Praveen Kumar, Abner Daniel, Harriet Torlesse and Saul Guerrero (2019). Continuum of care for children with wasting in India: Opportunities for an integrated approach. Field Exchange issue 60, July 2019. p82. www.ennonline.net/fex/60/continuumofcareindia

Vibhavari Dani, Ashish Satav, Jayashri Pendharkar, Kavita Satav, Ajay Sadanshiv, Ambadas S Adhav and Bharat S Thakare (2016). Community-based management of severe malnutrition: SAM and SUW in children under five in the Melghat tribal area, central India. Field Exchange 52, June 2016. p27. www.ennonline.net/fex/52/communitybasedmanagementindia 

Vani Sethi, Praveen Kumar and Arjan De Wagt (2019). Development of a maternal service package for mothers of children with severe acute malnutrition admitted to nutrition rehabilitation centres in India. Field Exchange 59, January 2019. p24. www.ennonline.net/fex/59/maternalnutritionindia

Sreeparna Ghosh Mukherjee, Pia Sen and Dr Nagma Nigar Shah (2019). Ensuring pregnancy weight gain: An integrated community-based approach to tackle maternal nutrition in India. Field Exchange 61, November 2019. p14. www.ennonline.net/fex/61/pregnancyweightgain


Bridget Fenn (2017). A cluster RCT to measure the effectiveness of cash-based interventions on nutrition status, Sindh Province, Pakistan. Field Exchange 54, February 2017. p61.

Sumra Kureishy et al (2019). Comparison of treatment of severe acute malnutrition with ready-to-use therapeutic food and ready-to-use-supplementary food: Research plans in Pakistan. Field Exchange issue 60, July 2019. p50. www.ennonline.net/fex/60/researchplanspakistan


Natasha Lelijveld, Mostofa Sarwar, Golam Mothabbir, Sarah Butler and Nicki Connell (2018). The cost of implementing the C-MAMI tool to treat nutritionally vulnerable infants in Bangladesh. Field Exchange 58, September 2018. p55. www.ennonline.net/fex/58/cmamitoolbangladesh

Anne Marie Kueter, Alice Burrell, Sarah Butler, Mostofa Sarwar and Habibur Rahaman (2018). Piloting the C-MAMI approach in the Rohingya response in Bangladesh. Field Exchange 58, September 2018. p51. www.ennonline.net/fex/58/pilotcmamiapproachbangladesh

Sarah Butler, Nicki Connell and Hatty Barthorp (2018). C-MAMI tool evaluation: Learnings from Bangladesh and Ethiopia. Field Exchange 58, September 2018. p62. www.ennonline.net/fex/58/cmamitoolevaluation

Jahangir Hossain, Nazneen Rahman, Mohammad Hafijul Islam, Md Hasanuzzaman, Khrist Roy and Dlorah Jenkins (2019). A multi-sector approach to improve nutrition: Experiences of the Nutrition at the Center project, Bangladesh. Field Exchange 59, January 2019. p54. www.ennonline.net/fex/59/multisectorbangladesh


Ahmad Nawid Qarizada, Piyali Mustaphi, Jecinter Akinyi Oketch and Shafiqullah Safi (2018). Scale-up of IMAM services in Afghanistan. Field Exchange 57, March 2018. p48. www.ennonline.net/fex/57/imamafghanistan  

Alexandra Humphreys, Bijoy Sarker, Baidar Bakht Habib, Anteneh Gebremichael Dobamo and Danka Pantchova (2019). Estimating ‘people in need’ from combined GAM in Afghanistan. Field Exchange 61, November 2019. p11. www.ennonline.net/fex/61/gamafghanistan

Ahmad Nawid Qarizada, Maureen L. Gallagher, Abdul Qadir Baqakhil and Michele Goergen (2019). Integrating nutrition services into mobile health teams: Bringing comprehensive services to an underserved population in Afghanistan. Field Exchange 61, November 2019. p62. www.ennonline.net/fex/61/mobilehealthteams


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