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Workshop to explore the potential of indigenous wild food plants (IWFPs) in Southern Sudan


A workshop to explore the potential of indigenous wild food plants was held in Lokichoggio from 3rd - 5th June 1999. The workshop was sponsored by USAID and organised by WFP and CRS. Around 50 participants from SRRA, SPLM, NGOs and representatives from institutions working in projects connected with indigenous food plants attended the workshop. Both Sudanese and international personnel made presentations on, different aspects of the use and potential of indigenous wild food plants and research findings in this area.

The workshop aimed to:

  • share knowledge on the use and the potential of indigenous wild food plants within Southern Sudan and the region (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania).
  • bring together people from different backgrounds and from agencies to better understand perception on indigenous wild food plants.
  • promote amongst relief and development workers a practical understanding and appreciation of a natural resource available which can be utilised by a wide range of people in South Sudan.

The main theme throughout was the need for awareness raising amongst international and national staff of the value of indigenous resources. The importance of recognising the value of, respecting and building on people's local knowledge and sharing scientific and outside knowledge which will complement and build on local capacity through formal and informal education. It was felt that failure to do this would result in programmes that may in the long term jeopardise food security rather that enhance it.

For more information contact: Birgitta Grosskinsky or Caroline Gullick on Caroline.Gullick@wfp.org, or Lindsey Davies, Lindsey.Davies@wfp.org

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