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Resources on food aid targeting in emergencies


Borton, J & Shoham, J (1989, March). Experiences of Non-Governmental Organisations in the targeting of emergency food aid. Report of a Workshop, ODI.

Clay, D, Molla, D and Habtewold, D (1999). Food Aid Targeting in Ethiopia; A Study of who needs it and who gets it. Food Policy 24 pp391-409

De Waal, A (1988). Famine early warning systems and the use of socio-economic data. Disasters, 12(1),

Harragin, S (1998, June). The Southern Sudan Vulnerability Study. SCF (UK).

Jaspars, S (1998) Responding to the Crisis in Congo- Zaire: Field Exchange No 3, pp12-14

Jaspars, S (1999, April 12). Targeting and distribution of food aid in SPLM controlled areas of South Sudan.

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Jaspars, S, & Young, H (1995, December). General Food Distribution in Emergencies, from Nutritional Needs to Political Priorities. London: Good Practice Review 3. Relief and Rehabilitation Network. ODI.

Keen, D (1991). Targeting emergency food aid: the case of Darfur in 1985. In: To Cure all Hunger; Food policy and food security in Sudan. Ed. Maxwell. IT publications.,

Sharp, K (1998, September). Between relief and development; targeting food aid for disaster prevention in Ethiopia. Relief and Rehabilitation Network, (Network paper 27).

Sharp, K (1999) Food aid targeting in East Africa, March 1999: Consultancy report for FEWS project, REDSO/USAID

Slim, H & Mitchell, J (1990). Towards Community Managed Relief; A case study from Southern Sudan. Disasters, 14(3),

Shoham, J (1999) An evaluation of the community managed emergency feeding programme in Singida and Dodoma regions of Central Tanzania in 1998/9, DFID East Africa

Shoham, J and Giama, S (1991) The role of socioeconomic data in early warning and targeting. Paper prepared for FAO/IGADD workshop on the role of data in nutritional emergencies, Nairobi, Kenya

Watson, F (1998) Reconstruction in Bosnia: Implications for Food Security and the Future of Food Aid. Field Exchange 3, pp 23-25

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