Nutrition of women and adolescent girls in humanitarian contexts: Current state of play
Publication details
This technical paper summarises developments and progress in nutrition programming for women and adolescent girls, specifically focusing on humanitarian contexts.
Given that humanitarian contexts are not regularly represented in research, that women’s and girls’ nutrition is not always prioritised in a humanitarian response, and the breadth of nutritional data on women and girlsin these settings is often poor or patchy, ENN believes this is a research gap needing to be urgently addressed.
The briefing recommendations reflect the need for better policy, protection, integration, programming, and leadership for women’s and girls’ nutrition in humanitarian contexts. Given the ongoing and worsening global food crisis, urgent and concrete actions are required to address the gaps identified.
To accompany this report ENN has also launched a case study on Madagascar for a snapshot on supporting women's and girls' nutrition in a recent humanitarian response.
This technical paper builds on previous work by ENN summarising progress in nutrition programming for women and adolescent girls, specifically focusing on humanitarian contexts.