IFE Core Group Meeting Report 2023
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The IFE Core Group (IFE-CG) 2023 Annual Meeting was dedicated to reviewing and discussing the findings and recommendations of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) conducted by an ENN consultant, Caroline Abla. The purpose of this annual meeting report is to highlight the process and results of the MTR, proposed recommendations and way forward based on the data collected for the MTR, and consensus on the next steps based on these findings. The meeting was hosted by Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) and held virtually with remote participation over two days (November 13th and 15th 2023).

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ENN, IFE Core Group (2024). Infant Feeding in Emergencies Core Group. 2023 Annual Meeting Report. Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), Oxford, UK. https://doi.org/10.71744/Z3SB-0N26