Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies: Making it Happen. Report of a regional workshop on IFE (2008)
Publication details
A 4 day meeting was held in Bali, Indonesia, 10-13 March 2008 to reach consensus on how to protect and support Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) in the region. The particular focus was on emergency preparedness and the early humanitarian response on IFE. The meeting was held by the IFE Core Group, led and organised by ENN. The meeting was an action point at the IFE Strategy Meeting in Oxford in 2006. The aims of the workshop were to orientate participants on relevant policy, guidance, key issues and initiatives in IFE, to identify key constraints to appropriate IFE and to establish strategic directions and practical steps to address these, at country, regional and international levels. Progress on country, regional and international action plans agreed at the meeting was evaluated by ENN six months later.
Organised by ENN/IFE Core Group, in collaboration with UNICEF NY, UNICEF regional offices, UNICEF Indonesia, and MOH Indonesia. Funded by the UNICEF-led IASC Nutrition Cluster and IBFAN-GIFA. Print copies on request from ENN.