Why did we start MAMI?
- Nearly half of all child deaths are due to undernutrition and infants under 6 months are the most vulnerable.
- Infants may be born small and nutritionally at risk or may become malnourished after birth.
- Globally, an estimated 23.8 million infants under 6 months are underweight, 24.5 million are wasted and 21.5 million are stunted.
- About one in five infants under 6 months is small and nutritionally at-risk.
- In low- and middle-income countries: 17.4% of infants are underweight, 15.5% are wasted, 19.9% are stunted and round 15% are born with a low birth weight. 1
1Kerac, M, James, PJ, McGrath MG et al (2024). Infant malnutrition in low- and middle-income countries: assessment and prevalence of small and nutritionally at-risk infants aged under 6 months in 54 Demographic & Health Survey datasets
What MAMI's achieved
- Increased awareness of need, global policy development and practice innovation, notably the MAMI Care Pathway Package.
- Evidence gaps on MAMI featured in the top five global research priorities on both prevention and treatment of wasting.
- Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have championed MAMI interventions and continue to demonstrate strong and growing commitment to collective continued learning and innovation.
- Several governments have started highlighting the lack of attention paid to, and the need for action on, small and nutritionally at-risk infants under 6 months and their mothers.

One of our key achievements: MAMI Care Pathway
The MAMI Care pathway is a resource material collaboratively developed under the MAMI Global Network to help guide care of at-risk infants and mothers in different contexts and bridge existing services and systems, which is available in multiple different languages.
Are you using something other than the MAMI Care Pathway?
Continuity of respectful quality care can and should come in many different forms that may not use the MAMI Care Pathway Package. We welcome and embrace such diversity.
Let us know what you are doing by contacting: mami@ennonline.net
Find out more about MAMI

MAMI Global Network
The vision of Management of small & nutritionally at-risk infants under six months & their mothers (MAMI) is that every small and nutritionally at-risk infant under 6 months and their mother is supported to survive and thrive.