Who we are
The MAMI Global Network is an energetic and diverse community of practitioners, researchers and policy makers working together across the world.
- We seek to speak and act with a consistent and evidence-based voice, ensuring coherent and informed engagement in multiple fora and initiatives, from global and national policy guidance to operational research planning to frontline humanitarian response.
- We connect, collaborate and support each other to champion the rights, and improve policy, evidence and practice, for at-risk infants under 6 months and their mothers.
- Our ultimate vision to achieve sustainable, quality care at scale is reflected in our commitment to support country (government) leadership, priorities and action on MAMI.
- We encourage peer-to-peer support and active sharing and learning through our online MAMI Implementers’ (global) and MAMI en pratique (regional, francophone); exchanges on MAMI en-net and sharing key resources through our MAMI newsletter. Sign up or write to mami@ennonline.net
Join our membership
Membership benefits include opportunities to:
- Promote and deliver on the shared MAMI vision
- Facilitate collaborative work at multiple levels to achieve greater impact together
- Promote and deliver on the shared MAMI vision, supporting mutual learning and capacity development
- Receive monthly newsletter / updates related to MAMI. Have access to MAMI Implementers’ Group (global) and / or MAMI en pratique (regional francophone group). Write to mami@ennonline.net if you would like to join.

Presented by Martha Mwangome, Kenya.
See other versions presented from: India by Dr Praveen Kumar, Uganda by Amanda Murungi, Niger by Dr Oumarou Zaratou (in French/en français).
See also other videos on MAMI Policy, Practice and Evidence on MAMI YouTube (including a playlist in French).
MAMI Global Network - Who we are
Latest MAMI multimedia

Relaxation for mothers

MAMI reflections on the Lancet Small Vulnerable Newborns series

The MAMI Global Network - Who We Are
The MAMI Global Network is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
We gratefully acknowledge past support of the Eleanor Crook Foundation that has been instrumental in scaling and sustaining our collective efforts.
The network is coordinated by ENN and co-led by ENN and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).
The MAMI Steering Committee is made up from representatives from governments (Somalia, Uganda), Nongovernmental organisations (Action Contre la Faim, Médecins Sans Frontières, Save the Children), technical bodies (ENN, India, Kenya) and UN (UNICEF and WHO).
We welcome collaboration, please contact us: mami@ennonline.net