Who we are

The MAMI Global Network is an energetic and diverse community of practitioners, researchers and policy makers working together across the world.

  • We seek to speak and act with a consistent and evidence-based voice, ensuring coherent and informed engagement in multiple fora and initiatives, from global and national policy guidance to operational research planning to frontline humanitarian response. 
  • We connect, collaborate and support each other to champion the rights, and improve policy, evidence and practice, for at-risk infants under 6 months and their mothers.
  • Our ultimate vision to achieve sustainable, quality care at scale is reflected in our commitment to support country (government) leadership, priorities and action on MAMI. 
  • We encourage peer-to-peer support and active sharing and learning through our online MAMI Implementers’ (global) and MAMI en pratique (regional, francophone); exchanges on MAMI en-net and sharing key resources through our MAMI newsletter. Sign up or write to mami@ennonline.net 

Join our membership

Membership benefits include opportunities to: 

  • Promote and deliver on the shared MAMI vision
  • Facilitate collaborative work at multiple levels to achieve greater impact together
  • Promote and deliver on the shared MAMI vision, supporting mutual learning and capacity development
  • Receive monthly newsletter / updates related to MAMI. Have access to MAMI Implementers’ Group (global) and / or MAMI en pratique (regional francophone group). Write to mami@ennonline.net if you would like to join. 
Hand holding foot of premature baby.

Presented by Martha Mwangome, Kenya.

See other versions presented from: India by Dr Praveen Kumar, Uganda by Amanda Murungi, Niger by Dr Oumarou Zaratou (in French/en français).

See also other videos on MAMI Policy, Practice and Evidence on MAMI YouTube (including a playlist in French).

MAMI Global Network - Who we are

Key resources

Latest MAMI multimedia