Adolescent Nutrition

Current Progress and Looking Ahead

Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), UNICEF and Save the Children hosted a two-days virtual meeting on 9th and 10th February 2021 on 'Adolescent Nutrition: Current Progress and Looking Ahead'. Supported by Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs.

Listen to presenters and panellists discuss and answer questions on adolescent nutrition.

Day 1

Day 1 Agenda

• Welcome and introduction to the meeting - Emily Mates (ENN)

• Adolescent nutritional status - setting the scene. An overview of adolescent nutrition status across 7 global regions - Dr. Natasha Lelijveld and Dr. Stephanie Wrottesley (ENN)

• Youth-led solutions for better nutrition in Indonesia (BISA project) - Dr. Dee Jupp (Empatika). Slides are available here.

• Q&A on presentations

• Panel discussion - Youth Engagement in Adolescent Nutrition
Sophie Healy-Thow (SUN LEAD group member)
Dipty Chowdry (Bangladesh)
Tasha Mhakayakora (UK)
Webster Makombe (Zimbabwe)

Day 2

Day 2 Agenda

• Welcome and introduction to the day with a recap of day 1 - Natalie Roschnik (Save the Children)

• Food and Me: how adolescents experience nutrition across the world - Dr. Catharine Fleming (University of Western Sydney, Australia). Slides are available.

• Upcoming Lancet mini-series on Adolescent Nutrition - Dr. Lynnette Neufeld (GAIN and Series co-lead)

• Q&A on presentations

• Panel discussion  government and organisational perspectives
Deepika Sharma (UNICEF)
Ms. Esi Amoaful (Ghana Health Services)
Dr. Sumita Gosh (MOHFW - India)
Ms. Vilma Tyler (UNICEF)
Dr. Yaw Addo (Centers for Disease Control)
Dr. Sascha Lamstein (USAID Advancing Nutrition)
Prof. Wafaie Fawzi (Harvard School of Public Health)