Interview with Ms. Maria Lourdes A. Vega (Didi) NNC Philippines - Implementing PPAN and the challenges ahead

Philippines is a middle income country with a per capita income of 2970 USD. Undernutrition is a serious problem with 30.3 % of children U5 being stunted with very slow progress being made within the last 15 years. Wasting has stagnated with a wasting prevalence in children U5 hovering between 6 and 8% in the past 15 years. The country which is rapidly urbanising like the rest of South and South East Asia is also facing rising rates of overweight and obesity in school children and adults. This less than encouraging situation is despite a long history of Nutrition Plans and Policies by successive governments in the country from as early as the 1970s.

In 2019 ENN, continuing its case studies series on Multisectoral programming at the Subnational level, studied two more countries - Philippines and Zimbabwe, within the final year of the TAN project.

As an introduction to the detailed case study in the Philippines,  ENN Regional Knowledge Management Specialist for Asia Dr Charulatha Banerjee interviewed Ms. Maria Lourdes A. Vega Chief, Nutrition Policy and Planning division National Nutrition Council  who provided a snapshot of how Nutrition planning has progressed in the country, the challenges ahead and how being a part of the SUN Movement has helped the country. This interview was recorded 2 weeks prior to the SUN Global Gathering. Ms. Vega spoke of the intended activities of the  Philippines delegation at the SUN GG in Nepal. This was clearly visible in the active participation of the Philippines in various panel discussions and plenaries. The ENN team attended this event - you can read more about the event.

The case study examining Sub National level Implementation of the PPAN will be accompanied by a short documentary capturing voices of stakeholders and  both will be online early in 2020.