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The online forum for country actors who need help and support with technical, policy, research or governance related nutrition questions


En-net is a free and open online resource run by the ENN for anyone working anywhere in the world who needs access to prompt technical support and advice. It is available in English and French.

A quick online registration process allows en-net users to post questions on any nutrition-specific or nutrition-sensitive topic. Questions are received by an ENN moderator, who directs the user to the appropriate resource/en-net exchange if the answer to the question is already available. If the question is not already covered, it is posted for all en-net users to view and to respond. This creates a thread of discussion and fosters peer-to-peer exchange. If the query cannot be answered by peer-to-peer interaction, the ENN moderator requests specialist technical input from other specialists.

En-net currently covers 18 thematic areas. Recent en-net discussion threads have included questions from practitioners on the following:

  • How to design programmes to overcome stunting in Afghanistan;
  • The use of dietary diversity food categories to classify the diet on households in Latin America;
  • How to design a comprehensive database for nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene-promotion and food security and livelihoods in Pakistan; and
  • Guidance request for diabetes in different age groups.

Follow and join the discussions in English here or click here for French.

New: The SUN Movement en-net discussion forum

The SUN Movement en-net is a new, free and open resource to provide a space for informal discussions oftopical issues, approaches and good practices in relation to SUN Movement country needs.

Fast online registration allows users to post questions on any SUN-related topic. Anyone can create an account and join in the conversation by posting questions to peers and responding to questions posted by others. Users can also sign up to see the exchanges taking place on the site between other forum participants. All questions are good questions and there is no wrong question!

SUN en-net is primarily a peer-to-peer discussion forum and also facilitates specialist input from experts in certain areas who are able to address more complex questions. Any SUN-related question can be posted at the press of a button. In addition to the discussion forum, there are three thematic

SUN en-net areas:

1. Policy and budget-cycle management, from planning to accounting for results;

2. Effective social mobilisation, advocacy and communication; and

3. Functional capacities for coordinated and effective scaling-up of nutrition in action.

SUN en-net Discussions so far have included:

  • The use of information and evidence in policy-making for nutrition;
  • What is the experience of SUN Movement networks in advocacy to governments to create specific budget lines for nutrition programmes?
  • How can multiple government sectors become engaged in planning and costing national nutrition efforts?
  • How can parliamentarians be mobilised to help achieve national nutrition objectives?

Follow and join the discussions here.


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