Exploring multi-sector programming at the sub-national level in Senegal, Nepal and Kenya
Publication details
This is a synthesis document that accompanies three case studies carried out by ENN to document nutrition-sensitive and multi-sector programme experiences in several countries, with a focus on the sub-national level. It is done as part of ENN’s work under the Technical Assistance for Nutrition (TAN) programme, funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) to support the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement in its second phase (2016-2020).
For practitioners and policymakers working in nutrition, there is limited evidence and documentation available on how nutrition-sensitive and multi-sectoral programmes are being operationalised, and how these interact with existing institutional architecture and structures at the sub-national level. Documentation has often centred around policies, strategies and frameworks nationally and guidance available is still fairly generic and "top down".
This work comprises three country case studies from selected "high achieving" SUN countries with a strong track record in championing and improving undernutrition - Kenya, Nepal and Senegal. These country pieces are accompanied by a synthesis document that draws out some of the key lessons from these case studies. The three country pieces are based on fieldwork and interviews conducted by ENN's Regional KM Specialist team in late 2017.
Download the complete the synthesis document here.
See country case studies here: Kenya, Senegal, and Nepal.
Also, watch our case study videos here: Homa Bay, Kenya.