MAMI Global Network Strategy 2021–2025
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Since 2010, the MAMI Special Interest Group (MAMI SIG) has developed into a dynamic community of committed individuals and organisations across nutrition and health.
To address the urgent need and make the most of opportunities, momentum and demand, the MAMI SIG was scaled up into a MAMI Global Network in late 2020.
In the MAMI Global Network Strategy 2021-25, we describe the MAMI Global Network's five-year aim, mission, and strategy on MAMI to achieve transparency, to help focus activities, and to enable us all to contribute and engage in collective, coherent action in achieving a shared 2030 vision.

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Management of small and nutritionally at-risk infants under six months and their mothers (MAMI). MAMI Global
Network Strategy (2021–2025). Strong Infants, Strong Mothers, Strong Futures: Building Bridges Towards 2030. MAMI Global Network. ENN. July 2021.