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Natalie Sessions

Senior Nutritionist

Natalie is an ENN Senior Nutritionist. She leads ENN's support to the Technical Arm of the GNC on Programme Team Leadership and Knowledge Management. Natalie also works across ENN's portfolio, with specific focus on Wasting and Stunting (WaSt), Food Systems and as a sub-editor for ENN’s flagship publication Field Exchange.

She has previously been responsible for the global coordination of ENN’s knowledge management work for the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. She has particular interests in Wasting and Stunting, the humanitarian and development nexus of nutrition programming and in situating nutrition within the broader humanitarian and development landscape.

Natalie has an MSc in Public Health Nutrition from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Before joining ENN, she worked internationally for Concern Worldwide as an Emergency Nutrition Programme Manager, spending most of her time in South Sudan and Bangladesh, with Action Against Hunger UK and held nutrition roles with Philani Maternal Nutrition centre in South Africa and GOAL Ethiopia. Prior to this, Natalie worked in the field of HIV/ AIDS in Southern Africa.

Natalie Sessions