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The Harmonised Training Package (HTP) is a training resource and technical reference document that comprehensively documents the latest information on Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE).  The HTP is the main international NiE training resource developed under the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC).  It is recommended as a key resource for capacity development at country level.

The development of the HTP was an initaitive of the Global Nutrition Cluster. HTP version 1 was produced in 2009 by NutritionWorks. HTP version 2 was produced in 2011 in an ENN/NutritionWorks collaboration, as a contribution to the GNC collective, funded by OFDA.

The HTP is made up of 23 modules and a glossary. Each module contains four parts: Fact sheet (Part 1), Technical notes (Part 2), Trainers Guide (Part 3), and Resources (Part 4).

All modules are available in word and pdf formats. The HTP is currently available in English. Supporting resources (detailed in Part 4)  are also available for download.

Project summary

Between 2009 and 2011, ENN secured funding from OFDA to update the HTP to produce Version 2 in a partnership with NutritionWorks and in close collaboration with the GNC Core Team and members, and a large number of technical experts who authored and co-authored the modules.

An update of the HTP is included in the GNC workplan for 2014-2016 based on the GNC Strategy Plan.

Project details

2009 - 2011

Donors: IASC Global Nutrition Cluster

ENN Project Lead: Marie McGrath

Collaborators: NutritionWorks