Multi-sector programmes at the sub-national level: Implementation of the National Plan of Action for Nutrition 2 – A case study in Sunamgunj and Rangpur, Bangladesh
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This case study features as one of three in a series of case studies documenting multi-sector programming at the sub-national level.
The case study describes the enabling environment for the implementation of the Bangladesh second multisectoral nutrition plan, the National Plan of Action for Nutrition 2 (NPAN2) (2016-2025), which aims to improve the nutritional status of mothers and children in the 1,000-days period, as well as that of adolescents, the elderly, disabled and pre-school and primary school children.
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Dr Charulatha Banerjee, Natalie Sessions, Jeremy Shoham and Carmel Dolan . 2019. Multi-sector programmes at the sub-national level: Implementation of the National Plan of Action for Nutrition 2 – A case study in Sunamgunj and Rangpur, Bangladesh.
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