Wasting and Stunting Technical Interest Group Membership and Governance
Publication details
Updated April 20231
In 2014, ENN published a review of the financing architecture underpinning the scale up of CMAM programming and within this, called into question the marked separation between how wasting and stunted are understood and approached globally across policy, programmes, research and financing.
To explore whether the separation was justified by physiological and programmatic evidence, ENN established a small Wasting-Stunting (WaSt) Technical Interest Group (TIG) which comprises experts in the field of child growth, health and nutrition, epidemiology, research and from the policy and programme arenas. The WaSt TIG has grown since this time to a membership of 40+ experts who are the creative and driving force behind the WaSt work. The WaSt TIG is coordinated by ENN technical staff whose main role has been to harness the skills and enthusiasm of the TIG and facilitate a large number of influential areas of work. The backbone of the expert group is the maintenance of a creative, transparent forum to scrutinise and explore the relationship between wasting and stunting, allowing it to serve the nutrition and wider humanitarian and development sectors as a hub for evidence and expert opinion which is free from organisational agendas.
The WaSt TIG is now entering its fifth phase of work which will run between May 2023 and April 2025. As with previous phases, the priorities and workstreams have been defined through engagement at the bi-annual WaSt TIG meeting (held in June 2022) and builds on previous phases of work. A two-year workplan provides the framework under which the WaSt TIG is supported by ENN to make progress on agreed areas of focus. This document sets out the guiding principles for members of the WaSt TIG and has been updated for Phase Five.
1 To be reviewed every 2 years to reflect any changes to membership and governance