Wasting and COVID-19 Programme Adaptations Information Note 005
Publication details
Programmes to support at-risk infants under six months and their mothers/ caregivers have been implemented in different contexts pre-COVID 19 pandemic, relying on facility-based identification and contacts. In situations where there is heightened risk of transmission of COVID-19 and/or movement restrictions, it may not be possible to follow existing protocols for the screening, enrolment, and facility-based support visits for the delivery of these MAMI services. Many other nutrition services are moving towards community-based delivery, and similar adaptations to MAMI programme delivery may be needed to ensure the continuation of services.
This information note has been prepared to outline potential adaptation options if programmes are faced with this situation. Any changes to normal protocols are an exceptional, temporary measure to prevent negative consequences for child growth and development, deterioration into more severe undernutrition, non-recovery from wasting, and associated morbidity and mortality. Decisions about when and how to adapt programmes should be taken in consultation with national and local authorities.
The note is intended to guide adaptations to existing MAMI programmes where referral pathways can be ensured, and where services and management plans are in place in accordance with the package and pathway of care outlined in the MAMI Tool.
The note should be in accordance with the relevant recommendations of the guidance note Prevention and treatment of wasting in children 0-59 months through national health systems in the context of COVID-19. WHO & UNICEF, 2020.
This information note is a product of the Wasting Thematic Working Group of the Global Technical Assistance Mechanism for Nutrition (GTAM) with the support of MAMI Special Interest Group, an established global collective of programmers, policymakers and researchers.