ENN's 67th edition of Field Exchange includes a special sub-section exploring the relationship between wasting and stunting and the work of the Wasting and Stunting (WaSt) Technical Interest Group (TIG), coordinated by ENN.
In this issue, we pay tribute to Dr Ferew Lemma who was a great friend and colleague of ENN. We feature his obituary at the start of the issue and encourage readers to learn about his work across a respected and extensive career in Public Health. This edition features a rich set of contributions across a range of themes including among others, data, information systems and assessment and a broad selection of countries including Cambodia, Venezuela, India and Zimbabwe. As usual, there are field articles that describe programming experiences in the nutrition sector, as well as the latest research articles, summaries and snapshots, report summaries of recently published reports and guidelines, news pieces and finally a series of views pieces from key experts, including a pertinent piece on food and infant formula milk marketing.
Our special section on the relationship between wasting and stunting includes its own editorial written by Tanya Khara, Abigail Perry and Carmel Dolan who have been engaged with the project since its inception in 2014. The section includes articles from Indonesia, Sudan and Somalia illustrating country experiences of trying to bring together approaches to wasting and stunting as well as a broad range of research articles exploring this topic. We also feature a views piece from USAID's Erin Boyd who shares the donor's experience in achieving impacts on both wasting and stunting through more integrated approaches.


Dr Ferew Lemma
Special section

WaSt Special Section Editorial

Survey data exploring the prevalence of concurrent wasting and stunting in Southern Angola, Huila and Cunene

Patterns of wasting and stunting in Venezuela

Exploring the relationships between wasting and stunting among a cohort of children under two years of age in Niger

USAID’s investment in the WaSt TIG

Promoting linear growth when treating child wasting

Nutrition Impact and Positive Practices (NIPP) in Sudan

Scaling up child wasting prevention and treatment in the context of stunting prevention in Indonesia

A reflection on the 2021 Lancet Maternal & Child Nutrition Series through a WaSt lens

Understanding sex differences in childhood malnutrition

Finding the best criteria to identify children at high risk of mortality

Wasting and stunting risk factors in Somalian internally displaced person settlements

The relationship between wasting and stunting in young children: A systematic review

The Wasting-Stunting Technical Interest Group: A summary of the work to date
Original articles

Food systems for safe, nutritious and affordable diets in central Sahel

Casual factors of wasting in Africa: What can be gleaned from available data?

Sally Mugabe Children’s Hospital: A Snapshot

GNC Technical Alliance experience of providing technical support to ARDI, a national NGO in Somalia

The early detection of child wasting in Indonesia amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

Addressing child wellbeing among ‘skip-generation’ households in Cambodia

The nutrition hotspot analysis: Prioritising intervention areas in the Sahel countries

Generalised Oedema in COVID-19 Positive Children - A Case Series

Using routine data for nutrition accountability: Experience from the Nigeria Governors’ Forum Nutrition Scorecard

Bangladesh: The rationalisation of nutrition services in Rohingya camps
News & Views

ENN’s Research Partner Brief

Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies 2021 Annual Report

Global Nutrition Cluster e-learning platform

National consultation on addressing acute malnutrition in India

Infant and young child feeding in emergencies infographic series

Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021

Food Systems Summit

Simplified approaches website

Ending the marketing of breastmilk substitutes: An amazing push to increase breastfeeding rates.

Link Nutrition Causal Analysis (NCA) for undernutrition: an analysis of recommendations

Prioritising Emergency Response Preparedness: Global Nutrition Cluster supports countries to plan for potential humanitarian crises

Book Review: ‘Within Our Grasp’ by Sharman Apt Russell

Leveraging the ‘Banking on Nutrition’ partnership initiative in Africa
Research snapshots

Saving children from man-made acute malnutrition in Tigray, Ethiopia: a call to action

False banana: the potential of Ethiopia's enset to address food insecurity in the face of climate change?

Study protocol: Using locally produced foods to combat severe wasting in India

Facilitators of ‘good’ and ‘poor’ practice in the distribution of infant formula: Evidence from the 2014-2016 refugee crisis in Europe

Integration of severe acute malnutrition treatment in primary health care provided by community health workers in rural Niger

Mid-upper arm circumference tapes and measurement discrepancies: time to standardise

Food system transformation

Nutrition and COVID-19 susceptibility? A systematic review

Treating high-risk moderate acute malnutrition using therapeutic food compared with nutrition counselling

Growth monitoring and mortality risk in low-birthweight infants
Report summaries

Considering the use of ‘stunting’ as an indicator in nutrition projects

COVID-19 Learning Series

Evaluation of community-based management of acute malnutrition in Yemen

Landscape analysis of simplified approaches to community-based management of acute malnutrition in the East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR)

A self-monitoring tool to improve nutrition counselling in Cambodia

Risk factors associated with wasting and severe wasting among under-5 children in India

Women’s nutrition

Nutrition and climate change: a scoping review of current state of play Report Summary

Global Nutrition Cluster annual report

State of the evidence: Simplified approaches

Scaling up care for children with severe acute malnutrition in South Sudan.

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021

Multi-sectoral nutrition programming; exploring impact

An evidence gap map: food systems interventions for nutrition and food security outcomes

Decentralising treatment in Mozambique: Findings from a pilot intervention on wasting