Harmonised Training Package (HTP) version 2
Publication details
What is the HTP?
The Harmonised Training Package (HTP) is a training resource and technical reference document that comprehensively documents the latest information on Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE).
The HTP is the main international NiE training resource developed under the Global Nutrition Cluster umbrella. It is recommended as a key resource for capacity development at country level.The HTP is made up of 21 modules and a glossary. Each module contains four parts: Fact sheet (Part 1), Technical notes (Part 2), Trainers Guide (Part 3), and Resources (Part 4).
All modules are available in word and pdf formats. The HTP is currently available in English. See below more information about where to access the modules.
Who is the HTP for?
The HTP is primarily a resource for trainers in the NiE sector. It provides trainers from implementing agencies, academic and training institutions with information from which to design and implement a training course according to the specific needs of the target audience, the length of time available for training and according to the training objectives. The HTP can also be used by anyone working in the NiE sector wanting to increase their technical knowledge.
Is the HTP a ready-to-use training course?
The HTP is not a ready-to-use training course. It cannot be used as an ‘off the shelf’ package. Rather, it should be used by experienced trainers as a package of materials during the process of developing a training course. From the HTP, trainers can extract material and adapt them to the context and different audiences. Tips for trainers and suggested exercises are included.
Who developed the HTP?
The need for the HTP was identified in 2006 by the Global Nutrition Cluster. HTP Version 1 was coordinated and developed by NutritionWorks in 2008 on the basis of a wide-ranging stakeholder consultation, in collaboration with cluster member agencies, individuals and academic experts. The Version 1.0 was funded through the Global Nutrition Cluster.
Cluster members decided to periodically update the HTP modules in order to keep abreast with technical developments. The 2011 HTP Version 2 update was undertaken in an Emergency Nutrition Network and NutritionWorks collaboration using the same editorial process and stakeholder involvement. HTP Version 2.0 was funded by the US Office for Disaster Assistance to the ENN.
Each module has been written by one expert author and reviewed by at least two other experts in the subject area. The authors and reviewers are from academic institutions, United Nations and non-governmental organisations and expert consultants. Authors and reviewers of versions 1 and 2 are acknowledged at the beginning of each module.
Access the HTP
The modules can be accessed at the UNSCN website and the Global Nutrition Cluster and in the ENN resource library using the links below.
Glossary of HTP modules
Section 1: Introduction and concepts
1. Introduction to nutrition in emergencies
2. The humanitarian system: roles, responsibilities and coordination
3. Understanding malnutrition
4. Micronutrient malnutrition
5. Causes of malnutrition
Section 2: Nutrition needs assessment and analysis
6. Measuring malnutrition: individual assessment
7. Measuring malnutrition: population assessment
8. Health assessment and the link with nutrition
9. Food security assessment and the link with nutrition
10. Nutrition information and surveillance systems
Section 3: Interventions to prevent and treat malnutrition
11. General food distribution
12. Management of moderate acute malnutrition
13. Management of severe acute malnutrition
14. Micronutrient interventions
15. Priority health interventions that impact nutrition status in emergencies
16. Livelihood interventions
17. Infant and young child feeding
18. HIV and AIDS nutrition
19. Working with communities in emergencies
Section 4: Monitoring, evaluation and accountability
20. Monitoring and evaluation
21. Humanitarian standards and accountability
22. Gender-responsive nutrition in emergencies
23. Nutrition of older people in emergencies
For further information on the HTP Version 2 update, contact: Carmel Dolan, NutritionWorks
For issues regarding access to or downloading the HTP modules at the UNSCN website, contact scn@who.int
The technical update of the HTP to produce Version 2 (2001) was made possible through the generous support of the American people through the Office for Disaster Assistance (OFDA) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Agreement No. DFD-G-00-09-00289-00 to the Emergency Nutrition Network as part of a project entitled Strengthening Capacity to Respond to Emergencies in the Food Security and Nutrition Sectors. The content does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States.